Always examine Christmas trees before you buy them, or you could be in for one of the grossest experiences of your life. If you already have one, time to become Sherlock Holmes with your tree so you can stop it before it hatches.

You're looking for a brown clump that resembles a pinecone. Whether you've decorated your tree yet or not, take the time to search. It's easy for them to blend in and be mistaken for pinecones unless you know what you're looking for.

Marina Denisenko
Marina Denisenko

Those strange, brown clumps are filled with 100 to 200 praying mantis eggs, and the last thing you want is to have that egg sack hatch inside your home during this magical time of year. Don't worry—according to National Geographicthey aren't harmful to humans, but they can be annoying and gross if you have them all over your home.

According to Taste of Home, it's rare, but it's real, so it's best to examine your tree. Taste of Home says that you don't need to throw out your tree if you didn't check prior to buying it or cutting it down. Instead, you can just cut off that branch if you happen to find a brown clump and set it outside where the eggs can hatch safely.


Or if you're more comfortable, call an exterminator just in case you're worried some have already hatched.

Even the National Christmas Tree Association says a number of different insects and spiders have been found in Christmas trees after setup, including these praying mantis sacks, so it's always best to investigate your tree and vacuum around it our tree daily.

If necessary, household insect sprays specifically labeled for use indoors on ornamental plants and evergreens may also be used, following label directions. It is important to turn off and unplug all tree lighting before any sprays are applied to your Christmas tree.

The National Christmas Tree Association recommends shaking your tree outside one more time after you've brought it home.

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