Sheriff Mike Morrison

Chelan County Sheriff’s Office Eyeing Several Items Legislature Convenes
Chelan County Sheriff’s Office Eyeing Several Items Legislature Convenes
Chelan County Sheriff’s Office Eyeing Several Items Legislature Convenes
As the 2025 Washington State Legislative Sessions get underway, the Chelan County Sheriff's Office is working to both forward and prevent certain actions from being taken in Olympia over the next four months. Sheriff Mike Morrison says one of the key items his agency is looking to accomplish is developing pathways to access more funding when long-term situations, such as wildfires, arise... Read M
NCW Law Enforcement Agencies To Install License Plate-Reading Cameras
NCW Law Enforcement Agencies To Install License Plate-Reading Cameras
NCW Law Enforcement Agencies To Install License Plate-Reading Cameras
The Chelan County Sheriff's Office and other local law enforcement agencies are partnering to install license plate-reading cameras throughout the region. The advanced surveillance technology is designed to record traffic in specific locations, 24 hours a day, and uses artificial intelligence to identify the license plate of every vehicle that moves through the area...