Wenatchee Valley Fire Department

How Daylight Saving Time Could Save Your Life
How Daylight Saving Time Could Save Your Life
How Daylight Saving Time Could Save Your Life
CHECK THE BATTERIES WHEN YOU SPRING FORWARD Fire safety officials are urging the public to do more than just set their clocks ahead when Daylight Saving Time arrives this weekend. The Washington State Fire Marshal’s Office and the National Fire Protection Association are also reminding the public to check the batteries in their smoke detectors. W...
Wenatchee Fire Dept. Offering Courses To Build Emergency Response Team
Wenatchee Fire Dept. Offering Courses To Build Emergency Response Team
Wenatchee Fire Dept. Offering Courses To Build Emergency Response Team
The Wenatchee Valley Fire Department (WVFD) will begin a series of courses on community emergency preparedness tomorrow (Thursday, Jan. 18). "Our deputy chief fire marshal is teaching these classes," says WVFD Chief Brian Brett. "This is the first of six classes he will be teaching and we're excited to be engaging the community and offering them some public education...

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